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AdministrationAdverse drug reactionsCannabis-based productsComplementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs)COVID-19Drug comparisonsInteractionsNew medicineOtherPharmacokineticPregnancy/BreastfeedingTaking Complementary and Alternative Products with Your Medicines - November 7, 2022
Key points:
There is far less information about how well complementary and alternative products work and how safe they are compared to medicines.
There are no rules in Aotearoa NZ to make sure the contents are what the label says. This makes it difficult to say whether the...
Morphine and Oxycodone – Similarities and Differences - August 17, 2022
Note this bulletin is older than 5 years old and the content may no longer be accurate
Prescribing in Patients with Frailty - August 17, 2022
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Herb Drug Interactions - August 17, 2022
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Medication Induced Hyponatraemia - August 17, 2022
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Drug Interactions with Statins - August 17, 2022
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Analgesics in Older People - August 17, 2022
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Codeine and Tramadol - August 17, 2022
Note this bulletin is older than 5 years old and the content may no longer be accurate